“National Commemoration of the 28th of October 1940”

October 11, 2015

Dear all,
You are cordially invited to celebrate with us the
“National Commemoration of the 28th of October 1940”
This month all the Greeks around the world celebrate the epic of Greece in 1940.It was one of those cases of unity and Greek passion that not only defended the country, but also brought the first victory of the allies against the “axis” forces. Metaxas’ resounding “OXI” expressed the wishes of all Greeks, inside and outside the country, who pooled together their resources and created another miracle in the Greek and world history.
All the Greeks must commemorate those people who have offered the ultimate sacrifice to our nation and died fighting for our freedom. Let it be a great example for all the Greeks of today to face the hard times and to bring the unity and love amongst us.
When? Sunday 25, 2015 at 12:45 straight after Church Service
Where? Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Transfiguration, Coventry

We look forward to seeing you all then!
Best regards
The students & the teachers